The Available Forms of Asthma Relief

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a serious disease, which is chronic and non-curable, and yet is able to be relieved with the proper forms of medication and other treatment. Asthma can affect anyone, from children to adults, but it especially evident in young children and seniors. The disease of asthma causes asthma attacks which can occur at anytime, and which can take anywhere from minutes to days to occur.

What are the Forms of Asthma Relief That are Available?

There are several different forms of asthma relief that are available today, and the type of asthma relief that you as an asthmatic should take will depend on what your physician has to say. Your physician will decide on the best form of treatment for you, depending on your own personal and particular circumstances, as well as the severity of your asthma condition.

Asthma relief basically consists of any type of drug that provides relief from asthma symptoms, and which is in fact the most common type of asthma medication. These forms of asthma relief are used especially during an attack, when the airways constrict, and these are used in order to help relax the smooth muscle, which in turn helps to open the airways again.

Although these relievers are not necessarily able to prevent asthma attacks, they are helpful in relieving the triggers of asthma as well as helping during attacks. The most common forms of asthma relievers are beta-agonists, which are used to stimulate beta-receptors, and which are able to relax smooth muscle and open the bronchioles.

There are two basic types of beta-agonists, which are: short-acting and long-acting. The short-acting forms are used to help overcome attacks, and the long-acting forms work by keeping the airways open for several hours, and these are typically taken regularly even if asthma symptoms are not present in the patient. Some of the most popular medications in these regards are: Salbutamol, Bitoterol, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, Fenoterol, Formoterol, Isoetharine, Isoproterenol, Orciprenaline, Pirbuterol, Procaterol, Salmeterol, and Terbutaline.

The specific type of reliever that is best for you will be prescribed by your doctor, and the matter of whether you have any allergies, for instance, will need to be taken into account in regards to the final decision of what type of medication you should take. There is also the matter of how frequently you will be able to take the medication, as some require a daily dose while others are more infrequent.