Is There any Effective Alternative Asthma Medicine?

Asthma is an ailment, which can be extremely scary at times. People who experience sudden breathlessness attacks can find the experience very harrowing. Hence, besides the regular medicine and the prevention measures prescribed by your medical practitioner, many try out the available alternative asthma medicines.

Alternative asthma medicine includes treatment not generally prescribed by a medical doctor. Alternative treatments may be quite effective – however, in the absence of standard medical research studies to confirm their effectiveness, these methods are usually not approved by the FDA. Hence, once should be very careful when making a choice.

What Choices are Available?

There are many alternative asthma medicines available, each having their own advantages and disadvantages. One such therapy is acupuncture. People who have tried it out report that they feel relieved after the treatment. The downside is that there is a small risk of being contaminated if the needles are not sterilized properly.

Then there is the chiropractic spinal manipulation, which involves certain specific manipulation of the spinal chord. This in turn promotes healing from within. Hypnosis is another alternative asthma medicine that is widely practiced. Many people find the treatment highly beneficial, however it is not recommended for everybody.

Among the modern alternative asthma medicines is laser treatment. This involves the use of a laser to shrink inflammated tissues and provide almost instant relief. However, there is always a risk of scarring and scar related complications resulting from this type of intervention.

Yoga is another popular method to control asthma. Some people report that with regular yoga practice, asthma becomes almost extinct. Yoga concentrates the inner healing power through different types of positions, which have to be practiced daily. If done properly, yoga could be quite beneficial in the long run.

The above methods are beneficial to some and not so beneficial to others. Their efficiency depends very much upon the practitioner, the stage of the disease, the receiving capacity of the patient and the length of the treatment. People often found that when the alternative asthma medicine is combined with the main treatment, there is sustained relief.

Other things that help in getting relief are the identification of the triggers and allergens, which should be avoided to the largest extent possible. An asthmatic patient should always be on guard so that it becomes easier to cope with the disease and lead a normal life.

Asthma Medicine and Medications

Asthma is a very serious disease, and although it is non-curable, there are still certain medicines and such that can be taken in order to help relieve it, and to attempt to relieve the frequency of attacks. The asthma medicine and medications that are available today are incredible, and with the proper asthma medicine a person who is an asthmatic can feel assured in the fact that they will not have to worry constantly about their asthma and about the possible onset of asthma attacks.

What Asthma Medicine is Available?

In regards to what types of asthma medicine is available today the most common type is that of anti-inflammatory drugs. This is considered as being the most crucial in that this type of asthma medicine prevents asthma attacks on a regular basis. As well, these drugs are able to reduce swelling and even that of mucous production in the airways, which is one of the most primary issues that asthmatics deal with.

In regards to anti-inflammatory drugs, inhaled corticosteroids is the most common and most effective type of these drugs, and these of these sorts of medication leads to that of: better asthma control, fewer symptoms and flare-ups, as well as a reduced need for hospitalization. Some of the most commonly used types of corticosteroids are: Advair, Aerobid, Azmacort, Flovent, Pulmicort, and Qvar.

Typically, all of the inhaled corticosteroids have few to no side effects, and they are safe to give to both adults and children. This is because these types of steroids are not the same as the steroids that you hear about all the time, which are called anabolic steroids. Some of the benefits that these corticosteroids produce are: a reduced frequency of asthma attacks, improved lung function, and a decreased use of beta-agonist bronchodilators.

The second most common type of medicine for asthma is that of bronchodilators, which are used to help relieve the symptoms of asthma by relaxing the muscle bands that tighten around the airways, especially during an actual asthma attack. These also help to clear mucous from the lungs, and help the person to breathe more easily. There are three main types of bronchodilator medications, which are: beta 2-agonists, anticholinergics, and theophylline.

The beta 2-agonists are considered as being the best at relieving asthma symptoms quickly, because they are able to relieve the symptoms incredibly fast, as they are able to open the airways quickly. These are also the best in regards to be able to treat sudden and severe or even new asthma symptoms.

Home Asthma Remedy – What Can You Do When Asthma Strikes

Asthma is a very scary malady, but one which can be controlled easily with a little presence of mind and adequate medicine. The medicine for asthma often involves the use of an inhaler and/or a nebulizer, which can bring instant relief.

What if the Medicines do not Suit You?

Those who are allergic to asthma medicines find themselves in a bad predicament. There are a number of reportedly effective home asthma remedies – but the law or doctors do not normally endorse them in general. One of the most popular alternative medicines is homeopathy. This can be given on a long-term basis without any fear of having any harmful side effects.

There are also a number of herbs that can be used as home asthma remedy. However, their efficiency will be proportionate to the efficiency of the person who mixes and matches them at home.

Hypnosis and acupuncture are also popular alternatives. Though they cannot be labeled strictly as home asthma remedies, they can provide non-medical long-term relief to both children and adults. The only thing that one should be careful about in this case of trying out a hypnotherapy session is the credentials of the hypnotist.

Some find acupuncture a very effective method to control asthma. This treatment involves stimulating of internal chemical reaction with the help of needles at particular nerve points. For those who are apprehensive about the use of needles, one can choose the use of acupressure, which acts on the same concept; however, instead of needles (puncturing of the skin) it uses pressure. This opportunity is considered much safer than acupuncture.

How to Choose the Right Home Asthma Remedy for You?

The best way to find out what could be the most suitable choice for you is by enquiring from friends and relatives. Another good way of gathering accurate information is the use of the internet. Do some research and find out the merits and demerits of all the home asthma remedies that you are interested in.

One very important thing is to ensure is that none of the treatment plans have any contraindications that could aggravate your asthma instead of giving you relief. It would be better if you consult a doctor before you embark on any ‘adventure’ with the proposed home asthma remedy. Most medical practitioners have a good and upto-date knowledge of the best available choices.