Is Asthma Management Really Possible?

There is always hope – the whole world lives on hope.

Asthma management is a relatively recent term encompassing methods, techniques and modalities used to deal with asthma and asthmatic symptoms. The main idea is to assist those suffering with asthma in carrying on with a normal life, or as normal a life as humans aspire towards.

So much has been written about asthma management already and as more is understood about asthma, the available knowledge base grows. In the United States, the National Asthma Council not only compiles but brings together asthma management resources from multiple sources.

Internet search engines further facilitate access to traditional and alternative asthma management techniques. The world of science has opened up new and promising air function research that looks both forward and backward in time to unlock clues to elusive solutions.

Traditional Treatments

Traditional asthma medications play a significant role in management theory. These consist of inhalers that basically treat air availability issues such as airway constriction or obstruction. Primarily anti-inflammatory, prescription drugs act on the body’s adrenal and epinephrine activators related to muscles. Whether to treat the condition daily or on occurrence is a discussion to have with one’s primary doctor or asthma specialist.

Pediatric considerations play a paramount part and require separate asthma management focus. Since philosophies and guidelines keep changing, it is best to stay abreast of medical advances. Simply put this requires maintaining more than a casual monitoring of events. Rightly so as there is nothing casual about an asthma attack.

Alternative Medicine

Modern asthma management takes alternative therapies seriously. With the recent onset of acupuncture, ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy in western society, available options for treatments are more holistic in nature and have flourished.

Each modality has its own strengths and shortcomings but they are worth investigating. Many MD’s are now working these complementary therapies into their treatment regimes for asthma patients. Asthma management has stepped into the 21st century with the addition of ancient remedies.

Action Plan

A discussion would be incomplete without considering the Action Plan – a vital and potentially life-saving element. We are all adding action plans to our lifestyles in preparation for emergencies – floods, hurricanes and other disasters. In the life of one who suffers asthmatic attacks, this is not just for peace of mind. Asthma management means knowing what to do, who to call and which medication to take.


In a nutshell, asthma management is about survival and it’s about working solutions to reach and maintain a normal life. With hope, diligence and determined effort, the asthma sufferer can live and grow, benefiting from the positive approaches modern asthma management offers.