Recognizing an Asthma Symptom or Sign

The Importance of Recognizing an Asthma Symptom or Sign

Recognizing an asthma symptom or sign is in fact considered as being one of the most crucial factors in asthma altogether. As well, recognizing an asthma symptom or sign is an incredibly important part of managing asthma, and knowing when early warning signs are appearing is helpful, in that the proper treatment can begin and other interventions can also begin early, rather than waiting until the attack has already come, or is in such a state of progress that it cannot be stopped.

In regards to which type of treatment is most effective for asthma, the answer would clearly be that of early intervention; therefore, this is why recognizing an asthma symptom is so incredibly dire in the matter of taking care of your health if you are an asthmatic. This does not have to be difficult, as there are certain warning signs that are typically experienced before the onset of an attack, and although an asthma symptom may vary from one person to the next, the basic signs are all the same, and recognizing these signs is what will allow you to start early treatment methods.

Some of the most common warning signs include that of: breathing changes, sneezing, runny nose, coughing, headache, moodiness, chin or throat itches, fatigue, dark circles under eyes, trouble sleeping at night, downward trend in peak flow number and an intolerance or inability for physical exercise.

There are also more severe asthma symptoms and warning signs, which typically mean that the asthma attack has already progressed quite far, and these symptoms include that of: severe coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or tightness in chest; difficulty talking or concentrating; walking causing shortness of breath; hunched posture; nasal flaring; the neck area and between or below the ribs moves inward with breathing; there is a gray or bluish tint to the skin; and peak flow numbers are typically in the danger zone, which usually means that it is below 50% of that person’s personal best.

Of course it is quite obvious that if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, especially those of the more severe signs and symptoms, you need to call some form of medical personnel immediately. However the best method is that of prevention, and so determining what factors are the triggers to the onsets of your asthma attacks, and thus attempting to avoid these factors as much as possible, will at least remotely help you in reducing the frequency of your attacks, or perhaps even basically eliminating them altogether.

The Hazards Of Occupational Asthma

Occupational asthma is effectively defined as a bronchial or breathing disease affecting the respiratory system that is caused by elemental stimuli at a workplace or jobsite. Most people with asthma experience in on an episode basis, experiencing attacks at intervals that are either stimulated by a sort of experience or irritant. There will also be periods in which there are no problems at all with asthma, causing it to seem like the disease may be in remission or may have disappeared altogether. This notion is quickly changed with another episode or attack of occupational asthma.

The list of known triggers in terms of occupational asthma is long and varied as the people that suffer from occupational asthma are as varied and long as possible. The trigger, however, is generally something that is inhaled or imbibed in some sense. This type of asthma can occur in any line of work from a construction site, fast food occupation, office job, and even in medical facilities or government jobs. Nobody is safe from the hazards of an asthma attack on the jobsite, so take care as to recognize your symptoms and how they are combated best.

Possibilities And Triggers

Triggers for occupational asthma include airborne substances such as smoke, chemicals, gases, fumes, dust, any other particles, and related elements that can cause lung irritation. Most workplaces carry policies about fragrances and other things that can bother co-workers, but there can only be a certain level of air quality control in any particular job despite the best efforts of the policy makers. There is no elemental control that can be implemented in any job situation that can rid the air of direct pollutants, so do your best to maintain your own personal air quality space.

Two types of occupational asthma attacks generally occur on the jobsite. The first is an irritation of a pre-existing condition. This is also the most common type of exposure and occurs because of the development of hypersensitivity to the triggers of asthma. This happens because continued exposure to the stimuli ends up causing more asthma attacks. The second type of asthma attack on the job is irritant asthma. This is simply known as exposure to substances or conditions that end up irritating the airwaves with immediate effects on the lungs and respiratory system.

The best trick to avoiding occupational asthma is to talk to your employer about the general conditions of your personal workspace. This way, you can change the way you function in your workplace and come up with an area that works better for your asthma as a whole and works with the condition, not against it.

Asthma Cough – One of the Most Common Symptoms

The asthma cough is one of the most commonplace symptoms of asthma. It also is a warning signal for the asthmatic person that an attack may be on its way. Hence, if you are asthmatic and you develop an asthma cough, it is good to take measures to prevent a full-blown attack immediately.

How to Prevent Asthma Cough and Attacks

You should take care that your home is asthma trigger proof. Cleanliness is one of the most important pre-requisites of the house of the asthma patient. If you find that an asthma cough often plagues you – then the house (or the environment you are finding yourself in) should be cleaned again properly. Ensure that all the allergens should be cleared from the house. Pay special attention to the kitchen where cockroaches can cause havoc.

You should also avoid any strong smells, whether it is deodorant, powder, shampoo or soap. Take care that the bedrooms are dust-proof. If you are not among those who can dust the house daily, invest in a dust proof mattress and pillow so that at least the bed would be a safe zone for you.

Be careful wherever you get the asthma cough – since this is the indication that there air is filled with some type of allergen. Either remove yourself from there, or try to identify what could be the reason for your irritation. Do not neglect it, as the asthma cough is the warning signal for a full-blown attack.

Asthma is Not as Bad as It Sounds

An asthmatic person can lead a close to normal life, as long as they take care that they do not run into any asthma triggers. Be overcautious when you travel, since sudden change in the temperature, dust, pollution, strong smells and so on can really be bothersome when you are on the move. Always carry adequate doses of medicines and be prepared for an attack.

The advice here is to become as allergy proof as possible. In places where you cannot prevent it, be prepared for it. It is a good idea to carry along with you a card or wear a tag with telephone numbers of a contact person (or doctor) so that in case of any emergency you can receive help fast.

The last word is that you should treat the asthma cough as a friend not an enemy, as it warns you about an attack.

Stretching Out With Asthma Exercise

There is much written with regards to exercise and asthma, but efforts to find a balance is worthy of a longer discussion. Exercise for the whole society – not just people with asthma – is an area of concern and asthma exercises as part of a larger body toning plan is a great start.

Issues range from ability to do rigorous exercise to how best to strengthen the lungs. We think of the lungs as organs but if we look at them as the muscles associated with breathing, then of course regulated exercise makes sense for those with asthma. Now, diet and exercise go hand in hand so to consider asthma exercise is to look at the bigger picture – that of healthy lifestyle and coming up with a formula for successful lifelong management.

Options and Opportunities

There is ample reason for hope. Expanded options include walking and stretching as appropriate asthma exercises – allowing the system time to warm up slowly. The same holds true for cooling down time included in routines. Some forms of yoga and quiet meditation, which may seem like rather passive activities, have been found very useful in finding that balance. These days it is even possible to find a physical trainer that specializes in asthma exercises.

Establishing and maintaining a reasonable weight is essential for maximum success in dealing with asthma. Talk with your doctor to establish some working parameters. It’s not about crash courses and diet fads; it’s about finding positive things to add to the formula that helps shift the averages from fragile and at risk to stable, happy and breathing easy.

Motivational speakers would tell us to press on slowly and steadily with confidence. Find the balance and make a start with asthma exercises, knowing that vital energy gained through healthy activities will yield better working lungs and a higher quality of life in general.


Since the occurrence of asthma in modern society is on the rise, treatment plans, management theories and asthma exercises will get more and more scrutiny. As asthma research advances and new findings emerge we are sure to see pointers to improving habits associated with lifestyle. It is inevitable, so the sooner we get started the better.

A baby crawls before walking and walks before running! And yes, there are a few falls and tears along the way too. It doesn’t matter, just keep walking and success will arrive sooner than anyone thought possible!

Asthma Medicine and Medications

Asthma is a very serious disease, and although it is non-curable, there are still certain medicines and such that can be taken in order to help relieve it, and to attempt to relieve the frequency of attacks. The asthma medicine and medications that are available today are incredible, and with the proper asthma medicine a person who is an asthmatic can feel assured in the fact that they will not have to worry constantly about their asthma and about the possible onset of asthma attacks.

What Asthma Medicine is Available?

In regards to what types of asthma medicine is available today the most common type is that of anti-inflammatory drugs. This is considered as being the most crucial in that this type of asthma medicine prevents asthma attacks on a regular basis. As well, these drugs are able to reduce swelling and even that of mucous production in the airways, which is one of the most primary issues that asthmatics deal with.

In regards to anti-inflammatory drugs, inhaled corticosteroids is the most common and most effective type of these drugs, and these of these sorts of medication leads to that of: better asthma control, fewer symptoms and flare-ups, as well as a reduced need for hospitalization. Some of the most commonly used types of corticosteroids are: Advair, Aerobid, Azmacort, Flovent, Pulmicort, and Qvar.

Typically, all of the inhaled corticosteroids have few to no side effects, and they are safe to give to both adults and children. This is because these types of steroids are not the same as the steroids that you hear about all the time, which are called anabolic steroids. Some of the benefits that these corticosteroids produce are: a reduced frequency of asthma attacks, improved lung function, and a decreased use of beta-agonist bronchodilators.

The second most common type of medicine for asthma is that of bronchodilators, which are used to help relieve the symptoms of asthma by relaxing the muscle bands that tighten around the airways, especially during an actual asthma attack. These also help to clear mucous from the lungs, and help the person to breathe more easily. There are three main types of bronchodilator medications, which are: beta 2-agonists, anticholinergics, and theophylline.

The beta 2-agonists are considered as being the best at relieving asthma symptoms quickly, because they are able to relieve the symptoms incredibly fast, as they are able to open the airways quickly. These are also the best in regards to be able to treat sudden and severe or even new asthma symptoms.

What is Allergy Induced Asthma?

Allergy induced asthma is one of the most common forms of asthma. Normally, when anybody is exposed to an allergen, the body reacts by producing histamines. This is turn causes heavy swelling and brings on a terribly scratchy feeling. Since the asthmatic person’s lungs are dysfunctional, the asthmatic person will suffer an asthma attack. This type of asthma is known as allergy induced asthma.

How do you Diagnose Allergy Induced Asthma?

There are different ways to diagnose allergy induced asthma in children and adults. Since children (especially very young ones) find it difficult to follow instructions, doctors usually diagnose the disease with the help of the medical history of the child, the family medical history and a bronchodilator. If the child finds this useful, then the diagnosis for allergy induced asthma is confirmed.

In adults, the asthma is diagnosed the normal way, which is with the help of breathing tests and the Spiro meter to find out how far and how acute the disease is. The allergy induced asthma is further confirmed through an allergen test. It would be helpful if the person who is suffering from asthma has an idea about what type of allergy they suffer from.

How to Treat Allergy Induced Asthma

The good news is that this type of asthma is not very acute and often can be treated by simply removing the person from the allergy area, or removing the allergen from the presence of the person. In order to keep the house free from any allergens, special attention should be paid to the mattress and pillows where the person or child sleep. Eventually, one can buy dust proof mattress and pillows to ensure that the allergy induced asthma does not worsen due to further exposure.

A few triggers that one should watch out for are, pollen (this is one of the major allergens in asthma patients), mold, dust mites (from mattress, covers and sofa sets that are not dusted well), dander from pets, cockroaches (and their droppings), cigarette smoke, sudden cold air drafts, strenuous exercise, sudden excitement and so on. It is helpful if parents keep a diary for when their kids suffer from an attack so that they can pinpoint the allergen early on.

The main effort in keeping the asthma patient free of symptoms is to be able to avoid the above-mentioned allergens, by keeping them away from the patient. This should be completed with the medication prescribed by the doctor, whether it is inhalers, nebulizers or oral medication.

Home Asthma Remedy – What Can You Do When Asthma Strikes

Asthma is a very scary malady, but one which can be controlled easily with a little presence of mind and adequate medicine. The medicine for asthma often involves the use of an inhaler and/or a nebulizer, which can bring instant relief.

What if the Medicines do not Suit You?

Those who are allergic to asthma medicines find themselves in a bad predicament. There are a number of reportedly effective home asthma remedies – but the law or doctors do not normally endorse them in general. One of the most popular alternative medicines is homeopathy. This can be given on a long-term basis without any fear of having any harmful side effects.

There are also a number of herbs that can be used as home asthma remedy. However, their efficiency will be proportionate to the efficiency of the person who mixes and matches them at home.

Hypnosis and acupuncture are also popular alternatives. Though they cannot be labeled strictly as home asthma remedies, they can provide non-medical long-term relief to both children and adults. The only thing that one should be careful about in this case of trying out a hypnotherapy session is the credentials of the hypnotist.

Some find acupuncture a very effective method to control asthma. This treatment involves stimulating of internal chemical reaction with the help of needles at particular nerve points. For those who are apprehensive about the use of needles, one can choose the use of acupressure, which acts on the same concept; however, instead of needles (puncturing of the skin) it uses pressure. This opportunity is considered much safer than acupuncture.

How to Choose the Right Home Asthma Remedy for You?

The best way to find out what could be the most suitable choice for you is by enquiring from friends and relatives. Another good way of gathering accurate information is the use of the internet. Do some research and find out the merits and demerits of all the home asthma remedies that you are interested in.

One very important thing is to ensure is that none of the treatment plans have any contraindications that could aggravate your asthma instead of giving you relief. It would be better if you consult a doctor before you embark on any ‘adventure’ with the proposed home asthma remedy. Most medical practitioners have a good and upto-date knowledge of the best available choices.

The Best Methods of Asthma Control

Although asthma is a non-curable disease, there are certain forms of asthma control, such as medication and treatment that are available in order to at least help to relieve the symptoms and the onset of asthma attacks.

What is the Best Form of Asthma Control Available Today?

There are many different forms of asthma control that are available today, and there is one which is in fact called the asthma control test; this asthma control test is used to determine how severe your asthma condition is, which in turn will help you and your physician working together to decide which type of treatment will be best and most effective for your particular situation and personal preferences.

The most important form of control, however, in regards to asthma, is that of avoiding the triggers which cause your asthma attacks. The most common trigger is that of allergens and irritants, and there are several good ideas that you should take into consideration, in order to at least attempt to avoid these triggers as best you can. For instance, if you have an air conditioner, you should make sure that the filter is constantly clean, and in order to keep mold down, you should remember to clean your bathrooms, kitchens, and basements often.

As well, you should not allow smoking at all in your house if you are an asthmatic, and you should not have too many pets if possible, as pet dander can be a serious problem and is one of the most common explanations in regards to the triggering of asthma attacks. There are certain other factors that are considered to trigger an asthma attack, including: air pollution, dust, mold, pollen, tobacco smoke, pet dander, exercise, changes in temperature, some foods, sulfites, aspirin or ibuprofen, heartburn, sinus infections, strong emotions and stress, perfume, spray-on deodorants, and viruses – to name a few of the many.

Of course, the best method overall for asthma is that of prevention, and so taking the necessary steps in order to prevent an attack as best you can is the most intelligent and effective way to go. Even if you are on, or planning to go on, forms of asthma medication, you should still consistently stand by all of the precautionary measures, in order to avoid an attack as best as you can. Although no form of treatment for asthma is completely preventive, the best sense obviously says that using these methods will help you incredibly, as you will be able to lower the frequency and severity of your attacks.

Discovering Herbs For Asthma

There are other ways to combat the effects of asthma that do not rely on conventional and possibly harmful medicine to cure the symptoms. Asthma is a condition of the bronchial tubes and the respiratory system that can be debilitating and disabling. There is no reason, however, that a person with asthma cannot live a normal life and experience all of the incredible joy that life has to offer. One way to accomplish some sense of normalcy is with the careful addition of herbs for asthma and the implementation of a holistic plan for life and survival of the disease. Making life your own is a key component to recovery.

The danger of asthma is very real and it does require a real set of treatment techniques that should be carefully weighed with all of the possible circumstances and possibilities for recovery and possible side effects. The danger of overestimating the effects of herbs for asthma can be very real in that it can end up delivering a false sense of security and problematic reliance on an unreliable medication. Always be sure of your route of treatment and do not be afraid to medically enhance any of the particulars as a sort of backup plan to the realities of herbal medicine. Consult your doctor, as well.

Basic Herbal Treatments

Since 3000 BC, Chinese herbalists have been trying out a variety of herbs for asthma that have worked effectively in their cultural climate. Ephedra sinica has been one of these herbs for asthma that have come to the forefront of our modern times for its inherent value to treat the disease effectively. The herb, called ma huang, has since had a chemical extracted from its components called ephedrine that has been used to create a pharmaceutical component for the treatment. Experts believe that there are other possible elements to ma huang that can create assistance in breathing for asthma sufferers.

Another herbal option for asthma treatment is licorice root. Many of the resultant effects of asthma wreck havoc on the airways and breathing passages, so the licorice root serves to defeat that inflammation thanks to its built in properties that can eradicate the inflammation. This makes licorice root one of the most popular herbs for asthma sufferers because of this healing effect. Other herbs for asthma include combinations of onions and garlic and other roots of vegetables that can be boiled into a broth for a soothing throat effect that curbs some of the harmful effects of the disease.

The Symptoms and Treatment Methods of Bronchial Asthma

What is Bronchial Asthma?

Bronchial asthma is a disease which is basically caused by that of an increased responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree to that of various stimuli. In other words, bronchial asthma is the more definitive term for the common form of asthma, and although the two most common types of asthma – bronchial and cardiac – have similar symptoms, they actually have quite different causes.

There are certain signs and symptoms that prove evident of bronchial asthma, for example, an acute exacerbation of asthma is referred to as an asthma attack, and there are certain warning signs that are usually evident directly before the onset of an attack, such as wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, rhonchous lung sounds, and an over-inflation of the chest, for example.

How is Bronchial Asthma Diagnosed?

In regards to diagnosis, for the most part, a doctor can diagnose a person with asthma if they examine the basis of typical findings in a patient’s clinical history and examination. In other words, asthma is usually quite easy to diagnose. There are also other warning signs that may tell a doctor whether a patient’s risk is higher for having asthma, such as if they have eczema or other allergic conditions.

How is Bronchial Asthma Treated?

In regards to treatment, the method that is considered to be the best form of treatment is that of identifying triggers, meaning that the patient and doctor should work together in order to determine which causes are the most triggering to attacks in the patient, and then obviously try to remove or at least relieve those triggers from the person’s life as much as possible. However, it should be known that the specific medical treatment which will be offered to asthma patients will depend on the severity of their condition as well as the frequency of their symptoms.

There are also certain relief medications which are available, with the most common form being that of pocket-sized, metered-dose inhalers. There are also nebulizers available, which provide a larger and more continuous dose, and these work by vaporizing a dose of medication in a saline solution into that of a steady stream of foggy vapour; a nebulizer is not only good because it will be helpful to a patient who is experiencing a severe attack, but also because they deliver the medication continuously.