What you Should Know About an Asthma Attack

An asthma attack is a very serious thing, although it is incredibly misunderstood, and many asthmatics don’t even know much about an asthma attack, which is actually an incredibly dangerous factor.

What Happens During an Asthma Attack?

Wheezing is what usually happens at the start of an asthma attack, and if after the asthma attack progresses further, the wheezing stops, then this usually indicates that many bronchioles have become completely blocked, and this is an incredibly serious condition and must be taken into note. However, it should also be taken into consideration that not all asthmatics wheeze, and therefore not everyone will wheeze before having an asthma attack.

Symptoms of an asthma attack include that of the following: severe wheezing when breathing in and out, coughing that won’t stop, very rapid breathing, chest pain or pressure, tightened neck and chest muscles, difficulty talking, feelings of anxiety or panic, pale and sweaty face, blue lips or fingernails, and worsening symptoms despite the use of the proper medications.

It is incredibly important to treat an asthma attack properly, as without immediate treatment, breathing will become more labored, and the wheezing will also get worse. As well, as the lungs continue to tighten up, it will become harder and harder to breathe, and gradually, the lungs will tighten so much that there will not be enough air movement to even produce wheezing.

If one does not receive immediate and adequate treatment during an attack, they will eventually be unable to speak and will also develop a bluish color due to this. The changing in color of the skin basically means that you have less and less oxygen in your blood, and without immediate and incredibly aggressive treatment you will lose consciousness and eventually could die.

The best way to determine when an attack is coming on is by learning about and understanding the warning signs, such as: frequent cough, especially at night; reduced peak flow meter readings; losing your breath easily or shortness of breath; feeling very tired or weak while exercising or completing other forms of physical activity; wheezing or coughing after exercise; feeling tired, moody, or grouchy; trouble sleeping; and signs of a cold or allergies, which includes anything from a runny nose and cough to nasal congestion and a sore throat. It is incredibly important to take these early warning signs into consideration, as recognizing these signs before the attack actually happens will obviously save you in the end.